Why You Should Offer An Email Freebie On Your Website

Have you wanted to offer an email freebie on your website but haven’t gotten around to creating one yet? If so, it may be time to slide it to the front of your to-do list! 

Freebies, also known as lead magnets, are free documents you give your website visitors in exchange for their email address.

You can offer a list of helpful resources, condense a current offer into a smaller version, write an ebook, or take your most popular blog post and turn it into an in-depth guide. The possibilities are endless!

Keep reading to see how a freebie can benefit your small business. It may be just the thing to take your business to the next level!

Increase Your Email Subscribers

Encourage people to sign up for your email list by offering an enticing freebie. When the freebie is relevant to your business and your customers, you’ll grow an email list of people that are actually interested in what you have to offer. Plus, if they like your freebie, they’ll be more likely to open any future emails you send.

Show Your Expertise

Your freebie is the perfect time to show that you’re an expert in your industry! Typically, freebies are longer than your average piece of social media content, so you can dive deeper into any topic that your audience will find helpful. A valuable freebie allows you build trust and authority with your audience which can also position you as their go-to for help in the future.

Increase Sales

When someone signs up for your email freebie, they are confirming that they’re already interested in what you have to offer. When you talk about your product or service in email newsletters, you are more likely to turn that reader into a paying client since you’ve already done the legwork to establish yourself as a pro.

Need help with your small business marketing strategy? Click here annikaframe.com/marketing-contact. For more small business marketing tips, read the blog annikaframe.com/blog.

Why You Should Offer An Email Freebie On Your Website
