Is a Studio Session Right for Your Family?

Have you been considering booking a family session but are wondering whether you should opt for a studio instead of an outdoor location? There are so many deciding factors and I’m breaking it all down in this post. Here are a list of reasons why having your family session in a studio may be the perfect choice for you! 


When we shoot outside, we’re limited by natural light. That means that we may have to schedule the session for a specific time in order to have optimal lighting conditions to get the perfect shot. However, when we work in a studio, we can schedule the session for almost any time. If mornings work best, we can schedule it then. We can also work around nap times to ensure that your little one is well rested for the session, too!


If you schedule your session during the Fall or Winter seasons, there’s always a chance that rain could put a damper on our plans. With a studio session, we can shoot year-round, rain or shine. You don’t have to check the weather app on the days leading up to your photoshoot!

Enclosed Space

Don’t worry about the kids running across the park and having to chase them down in your nice shoes! In a studio, the shoot is contained to one area. This also means that there’s less walking and less of a need to wrangle your kiddos from location to location as we take photos.

Less Distractions

A studio session is great for families that still want to get those heartfelt shots without the distractions of the outside world. While chasing butterflies and finding cool rocks may be fun for the kids, a studio limits the external stimuli so everyone can focus on the task at hand – taking beautiful photos that capture your love for one another!

Aesthetics & Style

A studio brings a different vibe and style to a photoshoot than an outdoor location will. Instead of trees and meadows, you get to choose from studios that are sleek and modern to studios that are more homey with vintage touches like the one featured in this blog. Plus, if you’re not much of an outdoorsy family, a studio may make the most sense for you.

Want to book your family session in a studio? Reach out here For more family session inspo, visit

Is a Studio Session Right for Your Family?
