How to Optimize Titles and Descriptions on Pinterest

Pinterest is such a powerful marketing tool so it’s important that you take a little time to learn the best practices. When you use Pinterest to its full capacity, you allow people to find your content which can then lead them to your website. You never know who will become a future customer or client! One of the best ways to be found on the platform is to optimize your titles and descriptions on Pinterest to improve the visibility and reach of your pins. Keep reading for my easy tips for creating optimized titles and descriptions!

Relevant Keywords

Research relevant keywords on Pinterest to ensure that the terms and phrases you’re using are also commonly used by your target audience. While there are tools available online that can help you do this, one of the easiest ways to find keywords is by using Pinterest’s built-in search bar! When you begin typing a term in the search bar, it will auto-populate results that you can choose from. The higher up they are, the more relevant they are. Tip: Create a list of keywords in a spreadsheet to keep them readily available.

Using Your Keywords

Now that you have your keywords, you’ll want to strategically incorporate them into your titles and descriptions. Place the most relevant and important keywords at the beginning of the title or description. It can be tempting to stuff your descriptions with a list of keywords, but Pinterest actually frowns upon this. Instead, use grammatically correct sentence structures and weave the keywords throughout. Always make sure your descriptions accurately reflect the content that you’re pinning.

Use Compelling Titles

Pinterest users often scroll through at a fast pace, so you’ll want to write out titles that are attention-grabbing and entice users to click and explore your pin. Of course, using visually appealing pins helps too!

Keep It Short & Sweet

Keep your titles and descriptions short but accurate. Not only are concise phrases going to keep your audience engaged without scrolling away, but Pinterest has character limits for both their titles and descriptions that you should be mindful of. Include a call-to-action at the end of your descriptions, too. 

By combining eye-catching visuals with optimized titles and descriptions, you can increase the chances of your pins being seen, clicked, and shared on Pinterest.

If you want to optimize your entire Pinterest account, read this blog for 3 tips!

Need help with your small business marketing strategy? Click here For more small business marketing tips, read the blog

How to Optimize Titles and Descriptions on Pinterest
