3 reasons you should book a couple’s session at any point in your marriage

Hear me out . . . You should book a couples session YEARS after your wedding. Let me tell you why:

1️⃣ Celebrate your relationship. Whether you have 5 kids, or have been married only a few years, it is so important to celebrate the relationship that changed your life.

2️⃣ A couples session with me (AFP), isn’t your typical “let’s go stand by this wall and say cheese at the camera.” We laugh, we play, and we have a damn good time. Think about this opportunity as a super fun date night.

3️⃣ A photo session is an opportunity to connect with your significant other. During your shoot, the rest of the world gets put on pause. Your phones stay on mute, kids, pets, and household chores aren’t top of mind. You and your love bug get to spend an hour focused on each other.

It’s okay to invest in a photo shoot with just you and your partner. Don’t feel bad for leaving the kiddos out. Recognize and celebrate the root of your family, and have a heck of a lot of fun doing it. ❤️

3 reasons you should book a couple’s session at any point in your marriage
